With an 84% annual birth rate of artificially inseminated Brahman, Simmental, Senepol, and Red Angus livestock, this ranch also offers a serious potential for ecotourism with partial views of the Atlantic Ocean and 2 permanent rivers bursting with natural wildlife including: tapir, rabbit, deer, iguana, sloths, and monkeys to name a few. With the construction of a bridge over the Cuango River and the vision for a mini-hydro electric plant, the mid-term (8 year) conservative outlook for this farm is positive with land appreciation projected at 20-50% conservatively.
Serious buyers take note: we have spent nearly 2 days surveying the farm and were thoroughly impressed with the management of the pastures, cattle, reforestation, and recognize and incredible opportunity to take over an established company with a proven track record at competitive price with annual cash flow and expansion of 1,000 hectares (2,471 acres) if required. Contact us today for more information and to speak with a knowledgable, licensed, bilingual broker.
Read some interesting facts about the agricultural sector in Colon here.