Caribbean Development Potential - $10.8mm

Caribbean Development Potential - $10.8mm

Located less than a 3 hour drive from the thriving metropolis of Panama City; on the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean. Over the course of 5 years, 9 bordering pieces were acquired from beach to main road totaling 216 hectares + 0173.66m2 (533.79 acres).  The 9 pieces are titled (verifiable through the public registry in Panama City), with approximately 16 HAS of beach front currently in rights of possession, requested for purchase (ie: a title request) in 2004 under the name of a Panamanian Corporation. The granting of title on the beach front is pending.

The property has approximately 1.2km (3,937 feet) of sandy beach and approximately 35m+ (114 feet) of main asphalted road frontage. The beach is a beautiful cove with natural coral formations that protect it from erosion and provide a calm water experience with limited tidal changes. Of the 1.2 km of beach front, approximately 40% is direct to the water access, with the balance a mixture of non-direct to water access composed of coral and mangrove. The property is designated as a low density, coastal tourist zone (see addendum).

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Información adicional

  • Estado:: Active > For Sale
  • Tipo:: Beachfront > Caribbean
  • ID#:: 1075
  • Precio Por M2:: $5
  • Provincia:: Colon
  • Ubicación:: Santa Isabel / Costa Arriba
  • Lote:: 216 Hectares / 533 Acres
  • Area:: N/A
  • Vistas:: N/A
  • Recamaras:: N/A
  • Baños:: N/A
  • Estacionamientos:: N/A
  • Precio de Alquiler:: N/A
  • Precio de Venta:: $10,800,00
Visto 12894 veces Modificado por última vez en Miércoles, 14 Agosto 2013 18:01

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