Ocean View Coffee Plantation - $1.2mm

Ocean View Coffee Plantation - $1.2mm

Three independent neighboring properties with one owner totaling 42 hectares (15 hect, 10 hect, 17 hect) for sale in Cermeño, in the town of Capira located 33 miles west of Panama City with an elevation ranging between 200 and 400 meters above sea level. The property was used in the past for coffee production and has approximately 36,000 coffee trees of which 35-40% need replacing in addition to 2,000 orange trees, numerous local fruit trees, and teak trees.

Water is plentiful with three creeks running year round emptying into an 8ft deep lake with a 30ft circumference. Existing structures include a rustic country home, a caretaker home, a two level warehouse, (4) 55 gallon reserve water tanks, septic tank, electricity, among other facilities and excellent mountain climate – think El Valle.

From the peak, the property has 360 degree panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean and nearby mountains accessible via 4x4 equipped vehicle. At the mountains highest peak there are 12 possible construction points which could support homes up to 200m2 each. Access to the property is via a rural country road just off the asphalted main road.

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Información adicional

  • Estado:: Active > For Sale
  • Tipo:: Land > Near Beach
  • ID#:: 1057
  • Precio Por M2:: $3.00
  • Provincia:: Panama
  • Ubicación:: Capira / Cermeño
  • Lote:: 42+HAS / 103 Acres
  • Area:: NA
  • Vistas:: City & Mountain & Sea Views
  • Recamaras:: N/A
  • Baños:: N/A
  • Estacionamientos:: N/A
  • Precio de Alquiler:: N/A
  • Precio de Venta:: $1,200,000 (neg)
Visto 11584 veces Modificado por última vez en Miércoles, 14 Agosto 2013 17:59

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